It's amazing what we can achieve when we try. The thing that holds too many people back is fear. Fear of the unknown. Fear of failure. Fear of success. The key is not to feed those fears. Start imagining what you want instead if what you're afraid if and go after your dreams!
Devoted to living a life of joy, love, spirituality, good health, and happiness. Empowering each of us to live a life we love.
Thursday, June 12, 2014
Friday, June 6, 2014
Thank you for existing!!
I appreciate you!! Thank you for being you! Thank you for reading this! Thank you for all the positive thoughts you think! Thank you for all the smiles you give! Thank you for being you! You are special simply because you exist!!!! What are you grateful for today? Please share here and with others!
Wednesday, June 4, 2014
Spread kindness today!
Remember that all your actions affect those around you. Simple actions like a smile or a kind word can change someone forever! Your kindness does change the world every day!! So I challenge you to go out today and show kindness to everyone but especially anyone who looks down or angry. We all need love and we all deserve love!! May your day be filled with a world of blessings!!
Tuesday, June 3, 2014
Let Go and Enjoy

Lately I have started reciting the Serenity Prayer many times during the day. God grant me the serenity to accept the things I can not change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference :)
It's important to just accept what is and welcome it. It will change since change is the only constant in life. But if you accept what is - even if you take steps to change it - you will be much happier. That's kind of what Byron Katie's work is all about (although it goes much deeper). But just for today, don't get angry about what is. Accept it. Welcome it. If you want it to change, then take steps to change it. But accept it right now because it is the way it is right now. There is an incredible peace when we do that. There is happiness and power. Yes, power. Because once we accept things the way they are, we can change them. We can change our thoughts and our actions. Enjoy your day and please remember to have fun.
Life is meant to be enjoyed. Everything is okay!! Everything works out for our highest good. And so it is.
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