Sunday, December 14, 2014

Loving Kindness Metta Meditation

30 Day Challenge: Take a few minutes each day and just listen to this meditation.  Fill yourself with loving kindness and spread it throughout the world.

Report back and let me know the miraculous changes to begin to notice in your life!!


Saturday, December 13, 2014

Relaxation Meditation

Friday, December 12, 2014

Expect miracles

For some of us, it's that time of year when we think about miracles.  I've been thinking about how amazing life is, and how everything is truly a miracle.  I'm ready to spend more time expecting miracles.  Remembering that life is out to support me in my endeavors.  How about you???

Just for today, expect great things to happen for you.  See the beauty in nature.  See the beauty in other people.  See the beauty in yourself.  You are amazing!  You are pure love at your core and you deserve the best.  You deserve miracles and today is the day to allow those miracles to appear in your life!!

Let me know all the great things that do happen!!