Thursday, February 26, 2015

What We Need...

We need people to encourage us.  We need to encourage others.  Always look for the positive - remember to support each other because we are all in this world together.  We all have hopes and dreams.  We all do things well and we all make mistakes.  We all want to love and be loved.  We all have emotions and fears.  And we all are the best we can be at this very moment.    Remember to look at everyone with compassionate eyes and encourage them on their journey.

You are perfect and deserve the best.  If I can help encourage you to follow your dreams and your passion, please leave a comment.  You do deserve the best and never forget it!!

Wednesday, February 25, 2015


Sometimes we just try too hard.  We forget that we are truly perfect the way we are.  Not perfect in the way most people think of it - but perfect in the true sense.  We will change and we will grow but we are exactly where and who we are supposed to be.  So take a deep breath and just relax.  Just Be!!

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Sitting is Killing You

How long do you sit every day?

It's time to get more active - do it today even if you just set a timer and go for a walk down the hall every 15 min
utes.  Just get moving.  You are worth it!

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Reap what you sow ....

Today is the day to sow love, kindness, generosity, and joy.  Make someone's day!  Smile for no reason and have faith that you will be filled with love, kindness, generosity, and joy as you bring it to others.    
