and there was some snow and slush on the ground. But I did it. I got out there and I just started running. I know part of it is because I want to support my son in his goal to have 5000 miles logged into Saucony's Run4Good app during the month of December 2013. It's for a wonderful cause and I'm very excited to meet that goal, although I can't do it just myself. But in addition to that am very excited to really start to take care of myself and to lose the extra weight and to train for the marathon that I'm planning to run in 2015. I'm still feeling very excited and motivated from my friend Mayra's book which will be available on Amazon on December 12, 2013. I'm also excited by the challenge that I signed up for to run 14 races in the year 2014. And I'm excited to put to use all the information I've gained through all my certificate programs but haven't applied. Now is the time! I'm going to include all of you on my journey. For the first time in my life I'm going to acknowledge out loud that I don't always practice what I teach. I'm going to acknowledge that I'm obese. It's kind of a funny thing, because it's not as if people can't notice that but I never wanted to admit it. Granted I think I also have so many kind friends who tell me I don't look 80 pounds overweight. Perhaps they are just thinking I only look 75 pounds overweight ;). Actually I am fortunate to have the extra weight evenly distributed so I have been able to deny the problem all these years! But now is the time to recognize it and change it. I also hope to help others who struggle with their weight. For those who need to learn about basic nutrition and lifestyle choices, I've got that down. I'm also got the emotional "reasons" down to help recognize those and most importantly I'm learning to release everything that holds me back and help others do the same! We are all in this together and I love you! Please let me know how I can support you in your journey.

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