Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Dare to Dream

It's funny how we often have dreams but don't pursue them.  Sometimes we may think it is not possible for them to come true or sometimes we may think it's too hard and we don't know if we can do it.  The fact is, we can do anything we put our minds to IF we believe in ourselves and take the steps to get there.

People often struggle with believing in themselves which is understandable to some degree when based on past experiences.  The important thing to remember is that the past is just the past and it is behind us.  The future is filled with endless possibilities.  People who have achieved great accomplishments "failed" many times before they got there.  That's part of the process.  Thomas Edison is known for saying that he didn't fail, he just found many ways that did not work.  It's all how we look at things.  We can choose to be optimistic - it IS a choice.  We can keep going until we reach our goals and we will get there as long as we keep moving in the right direction.

So today, I want you to write down your most important goal.  Once it is written, read it.  Imagine how you will feel when it is achieved.  Really spend some time in that feeling!! Smile.  Feel it.  What is one thing you can do today that will move you in that direction? Write it down and do it.  You can pick something small - just pick something and do it today.  Do it right now if you can.  If you are motivated and have time you can certainly pick more than one thing.  Just get started today and make a commitment to yourself and your happiness and success to do at least one thing a day toward that goal!!

Dare to dream and follow that dream until it is your new reality!!

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