Saturday, April 19, 2014

10 Happiness Habits

Happiness really is a choice and even though it doesn't always seem like it, it is in our grasp at every moment.

Here are some things to try when you are not feeling happy:

  1. Smile - the act of smiling produces physical changes in your body that automatically improve your mood even if it is a fake smile.
  2. Laugh - yes, laugh for no reason.  I love laughter yoga which is basically that - laughing for no reason!  And just for the record, fake laughter helps you as much as real laughter.  I have usually found that my fake laughs quickly turn into real laughs!
  3. Read an uplifting book - the topic is personal to you because it needs to be something that makes you feel happy, hopeful, inspired, loved, etc.
  4. Write in a journal - getting your thoughts on paper has been shown to be very healing on all levels.
  5. Help someone else - helping people and being of service provides us with a feeling that can not be matched.
  6. Write or think about what you have to be grateful for - this may seem obvious or if you are really down, you may have to work at this.  It can be that you are alive; that we have running water and electricity and indoor plumbing; that you can walk, think, talk, hear, see; that you have someone you love or that loves you; that you have food to eat; that you have a roof over your head; or, that you have a means to read this.
  7. Exercise - get moving.  Even going for a simple walk will improve your mood.
  8. Go out in nature - Being in nature has a way of grounding us and improving our mood.  It doesn't matter if it is the beach, the mountains, or a city park, it will help.  Take in your surroundings and feel your mood improve.
  9. Meditate - If quieting your mind seems impossible, try a guided imagery type of meditation.  There are so many different ways to meditate and you can find the one that works for you. Just spend some quiet time with a simple focus.
  10. Pray - If you don't feel comfortable with praying to God - think of it as asking your highest self to answer your prayers.  It can also be angels, saints, ancestors, whomever you feel comfortable to call on for assistance.  Studies have shown that prayer works.
I invite you to incorporate these into your daily life and let me know what results you notice.  You will start to feel happier.  I am certain of it.

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