Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Laugh - it's good for you!

Oh my... it's been forever since I've been out here.  I've been doing some amazing inner work and I'm learning new skills to help others with.  But today, I want to remind everyone to laugh.

Laughing is important on so many levels.  It is great for you physically.  It can offer a great workout if you laugh long enough.  It is great for the stomach muscles.  It helps to move stale air out of your lungs and bring in new air which is essential for physical well-being and healing!!

And not to be ignored... it feels great!!  It is good for the soul.  Allow yourself a good laugh.  In fact, go out of your way to make yourself laugh.  Laugh for no reason.  Feel silly - that's good.  You are adding cheer to your life and the whole world with your laughter and silliness!!  Enjoy!

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