Monday, April 6, 2015

What is "fitting in" costing you??

For years, I tried to fit in.  No, let me correct that.  I did fit in.  I did everything that was "expected" of me.  The problem with that is that I lost sight of what I wanted.  I made everyone else happy but I was slowly losing myself to everyone else.  I didn't even know what I wanted anymore.  Does that sound familiar?  Sometimes we become a shell of our true self.  Sometimes we lose our authenticity because of that outer facade we put on.  It's time to look at what you really want.  Who are you?  What do you want for your life?  It's time to make that a reality.  Be gentle with yourself since sometimes it's a hard journey to see our life may not reflect what we want.  It is safe to be you.  You can have the life of your dreams.  Go back to your long lost dreams and see if they still make your heart sing.  If they do, go after them.  You can do it.  It's time.  You can change your life no matter what it looks like now.  You can stand out.  You can have everything you want as soon as you decide what you really want and why.  Then relax and know that you can do it.  

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