Monday, September 21, 2015

Make a Difference Monday

  So how are you going to make a difference today?  It really is a lot easier to make a positive difference in the lives of others.  Simply saying something kind to someone you see today is a great start.  Smiling at people as you pass them is great, too!  Many people will smile back which naturally puts them in a better mood which ripples forward.

How are you going to make a difference today?  Post it below and how it made you feel.

Have an amazing day and never underestimate yourself or your effect on others!!!


  1. Not only on Mondays, but every day we should make a difference! (: Lend your ear to a friend who needs listening, like you said, a smile or a kind word. We don't realize that this little act can cause a big affect in a good way. Thank you for sharing and spreading the kindness!


    1. So true, Sara!! Thank you for commenting and thank you for your blog and website spreading happiness and a positive attitude!!! The ripple of happiness and kindness has started :) Let's keep it going!!
