The first and most important type of love I want to focus on is self-love. Not in the egotistical way people often think of self-love. In fact, when we are vein and talk about ourselves constantly, it usually means we are actually lacking in self-esteem, self-love, and self-confidence. Because of that we often "brag" in order to get recognition. Who doesn't want recognition? We all do but when we don't give it to ourselves along with love, we focus on getting it from the outside and anyone who will give it to us.
So, for the month of February, I challenge myself and each one of you to make a daily commit of self-love and recognition through a mirror exercise. I want you to look yourself in the eyes every time you pass a mirror and say, "I love you, ________, I really, really love you. I appreciate all you do and I accept you exactly as you are right now!" (Insert your name where the blank is.)
If you are in a private location, say it aloud. If you are in a public restroom, you can absolutely say it to yourself since I may get a lot of funny looks. :) If you want to still say it out loud you can use that as a conversation starter and teach others the importance of loving themselves. When we all are completely full of love, there will be no aggression toward ourselves or others. When we recognize that we are all connected and all more similar than we are different, we will find peace and compassion. We all have feelings and emotions, we all crave love and recognition, we all have positive and negative experiences that affect us - we are all here living life on this planet and experiencing many of the same types of things although the specifics may be different.

Try this for the month - please tell me how you feel. Do you notice any differences? You may even want to journal about this so you see the difference. Can you look yourself in the eyes when you say these loving words to yourself? Do you want to cry? Do you notice a shift? Please do share. This can be transformational if you commit to it.
This month know that you are loved. And focus on feeling the love from others put most importantly from yourself. I love you!! Namaste!!
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