Friday, May 10, 2013

Are You Using Meditation To Be Healthy, Whole, and Happy?

Research has shown that meditation has many benefits.  In one eight-week meditation program, the study participants showed improved mood as well as decreased anxiety, tension, and fatigue.  Researchers also used brain scans which revealed improvements in blood flow in areas of the brain that control memory, implying that meditation can improve memory and prevent memory loss. Meditation has been shown to
create new neural circuits in our brain which allows us to use more of our brain.

Meditation also decreases blood pressure, pulse rate, the stress hormone, cortisol, and inflammatory substances.  It's also linked to a decrease in diabetes and heart disease!  If that's not enough, there is evidence that it decreases and sometimes eliminates chronic pain.  Yes, people who have been in pain for years without any relief may find it with meditation.

It has also been linked to greater success and life satisfaction!  What are you waiting for?

There are many different types of meditation and all seem to be beneficial.  My suggestion is to find the one, or ones, that work best for you and integrate them into your daily routine.  If you have never meditated before, have fun and experiment with different types.  Personally, when I am feeling most stressed and unable to easily quiet my mind I like guided imagery meditations.  They can lead anywhere you need to go!!

Don't forget that yoga and tai chi are forms of meditation, too.  Walking can be a form of meditation, too, if you really bring yourself into the present moment and focus on the now.  If you find your mind wandering just bring it back to your breathing or the feeling and rhythm of your feet on the ground.  Enjoy the surroundings and relax.  Listen to your breathing.

Looking at the pictures I picked, I just want to also state that meditation can be done anywhere and in any position.  You may enjoy being outside at sunrise or sunset but you can close your office door and sit at your desk and meditate mid-day if you want,  You can meditate while laying in bed.  Whatever works for you!

As always, please be gentle with yourself.  If your mind reverts to stressful thoughts, thank them for trying to help you and release them.  We are trained to think of the future and dwell in the past, a meditation practice will help bring those thoughts into the present.  It is a practice that we need to do regularly to change old thought patterns.  I'd love to hear about your experiences.

Have fun and be heathy, whole, and happy!

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Benefits of Broccoli

I have talked to many people who haven't even tried broccoli because they assume they won't like it because of the way it looks or they had it once and didn't like it.  One thing I stress over and over again with my clients (and my kids) is that if you try a food and don't like it, try it prepared differently.  Many times even
trying it prepared the same way multiple times will change if you like it or not.

I love broccoli in general but I my favorite ways to have it are raw with hummus, steamed with a little olive oil and lemon juice, steamed on a salad, and roasted with lots of healthy seasonings.  I want to point out that my son, whose arm I have to twist to eat or try vegetables, actually loves when I roast broccoli.

So here are just a few reasons to eat more broccoli:

  • Helps prevent cancer.  (A nutrient in broccoli called, sulforaphane, actually targets and kills cancer cells!)
  • Fights Heart Disease
  • Fights Diabetes
  • Improves your immune system.
  • Decreases overeating.  (Broccoli fills you up more quickly.  It's hard to eat too many calories of just broccoli.)
  • Good source of protein. 
  • Contains the following vitamins and nutrients:
    •  Vitamin C
    • Vitamin K
    • Vitamin B6
    • Folate
    • Beta-carotene
    • Selenium
    • Magnesium
    • Calcium
    • Potassium
    • Zinc

So eat some broccoli today!  If you don't like it, try it again another day and prepare it differently!  Enjoy!

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

What Does Healthy Mean To You?

I love reading people's definitions of "healthy".  There is no right or wrong answer but I personally think sometimes people are settling for less than they deserve. When I think of being healthy, it goes way beyond just physical health. Being healthy incorporates our relationships, our attitude, our mental health, our self-love, our spiritual life, and our activities.

Often we get caught up in our long to-do list and don't take time to think about what is important to us. When I am in that state, I don't even think about taking good care of myself.  It's easy to stop and pick up fast food for me and my family and move on to the next activity.  I've come to realize that I need to plan for that frenzied feeling and determine the best option for feeding myself and my family.  I also need to slow down.  Life is meant to be enjoyed.  When we are not enjoying it, we aren't at optimal health.

So today, take a deep breath and just be in the moment.  Do this several times throughout the day.  It might only take 10 seconds each time.  We owe it to ourselves to at least start there.