Thursday, May 9, 2013

Benefits of Broccoli

I have talked to many people who haven't even tried broccoli because they assume they won't like it because of the way it looks or they had it once and didn't like it.  One thing I stress over and over again with my clients (and my kids) is that if you try a food and don't like it, try it prepared differently.  Many times even
trying it prepared the same way multiple times will change if you like it or not.

I love broccoli in general but I my favorite ways to have it are raw with hummus, steamed with a little olive oil and lemon juice, steamed on a salad, and roasted with lots of healthy seasonings.  I want to point out that my son, whose arm I have to twist to eat or try vegetables, actually loves when I roast broccoli.

So here are just a few reasons to eat more broccoli:

  • Helps prevent cancer.  (A nutrient in broccoli called, sulforaphane, actually targets and kills cancer cells!)
  • Fights Heart Disease
  • Fights Diabetes
  • Improves your immune system.
  • Decreases overeating.  (Broccoli fills you up more quickly.  It's hard to eat too many calories of just broccoli.)
  • Good source of protein. 
  • Contains the following vitamins and nutrients:
    •  Vitamin C
    • Vitamin K
    • Vitamin B6
    • Folate
    • Beta-carotene
    • Selenium
    • Magnesium
    • Calcium
    • Potassium
    • Zinc

So eat some broccoli today!  If you don't like it, try it again another day and prepare it differently!  Enjoy!

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