Wednesday, May 1, 2013

What Does Healthy Mean To You?

I love reading people's definitions of "healthy".  There is no right or wrong answer but I personally think sometimes people are settling for less than they deserve. When I think of being healthy, it goes way beyond just physical health. Being healthy incorporates our relationships, our attitude, our mental health, our self-love, our spiritual life, and our activities.

Often we get caught up in our long to-do list and don't take time to think about what is important to us. When I am in that state, I don't even think about taking good care of myself.  It's easy to stop and pick up fast food for me and my family and move on to the next activity.  I've come to realize that I need to plan for that frenzied feeling and determine the best option for feeding myself and my family.  I also need to slow down.  Life is meant to be enjoyed.  When we are not enjoying it, we aren't at optimal health.

So today, take a deep breath and just be in the moment.  Do this several times throughout the day.  It might only take 10 seconds each time.  We owe it to ourselves to at least start there.

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