Monday, May 9, 2016

Happy Monday!!!

It's Monday. let's make the most of it!

Are you one of those people who treads Mondays??? Why is that?  Is it because you aren't living your dream life and you have a job that you hate?  It doesn't have to always be that way.  Let's make a choice to start living our dreams today!

What does your day look like?  Are you truly living life or simply letting life live you?  What are your dreams?   Do you know what they are?  What do you really want in life?  What would you do today if you knew you could not fail?

Let's Do This!!  Let's Get Started!  If you are not clear on what your ideal life looks like (and many of us aren't because we get so caught up and paying the bills and doing what needs to get done that we forget what we really wanted or want now), Then spend a few minutes quieting your mind and then start writing.  For example: I want a new car. I want a new house.  I want to be healthier.  I want to be able to spend more time with my kids.  I want to be rich. I want more beauty in my life. I want to help people.  I want to be loved. I want peace.  And the list goes on.  Try to write for 15 minutes.  I know that may seem like a long time but keep at it.  You will notice that the more you do it, the more real the answers are.  The longer you write, the more you will get to what you really, really want in your life.  The more you will get in touch with some of the things you gave up on long ago.  For some people this can be an emotional and cathartic experience.  If that's you, allow it without judgement.  We move forward from here with a clearer understanding of what we want and what is important to us.  With this new understanding, we can take steps to start creating a life we truly love.  A life full of the things we really want.  A life of meaning and service.

The next step to get to the life you want is to make a list of what you can do right now to bring some of what you want into your life.  Add one small thing into your life today!

I'm going to clear off my desk and add some fresh flowers into my office today because I want more beauty.  What step or steps are you taking today?  Let me know and if you do the "I want..." exercise, let me know how that goes for you.

Have an amazing Monday!

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