Tuesday, May 10, 2016

You are love

I love affirmations.  I remember reading the simple statement, "Everything you say to yourself is an affirmation."  It really hit home that negative comments, self-criticism, doubt, and worry are all affirmations which I do not want but if I keep saying them over and over in my head they will come true for me.  Yikes!!  That was scary until I realized that I control my thoughts - even though it may not always seem that way.  So what do I choose to think???  I choose to think positive thoughts.  I choose to think joyful thoughts.  I choose to recognize my own and everyone else's magnificence even when it is not be readily displayed.  We are human after all :)

What thoughts do you want to think today?  What beliefs do you want to instill or change?  Put some positive affirmations that make you really feel good where you will see them regularly.  Some places that could work are: screen savers, desktop background, phone background, bathroom mirror, refrigerator, or your planner/appointment book.  Remind yourself that you are love, you are pure energy, and you are a shining light!!!

Shine on!!  Let me know how this feels for you.  An advanced exercise is to say these in front of the mirror!!  Notice what comes up and post below.

Have an amazing day!!

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