Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Getting More Activity Into Your Day

I've been talking to a lot of people lately that feel overwhelmed when they think of exercising because they are trying to find a way to get to the gym for an hour when they already have a full day.

Please, please don't get overwhelmed by the thought of exercising.  Here are a few ways to bring more physical activity into your day.  These are really doable and you can build on this but get started today!!  You will glad you did!

  1. Take the stairs instead of the elevator.
  2. When you go somewhere, park at the far end of the parking lot.  
  3. Look for even 10 minute periods during the day to do some physical activity.
  4. Bring lunch to work and use part of your lunch hour to go for a brisk walk.
  5. Do 10 squats every time the phone rings.
  6. Get friends or family to exercise with you.  If you have kids, play a game of tag.  Your kids will love your attention and everyone benefits from the exercise.

When I used to work in an office building, I would go into my office and close the door and do some push ups, sit ups, squats, sumo squats, jumping jacks, and finish with the plank.  I would do that a few times a day plus whenever I started to feel stressed and it really helped.  I do need to warn you that it can be awkward with some skirts!  I also advise removing suit coats and high heels before beginning.  If you don't have an office and you don't have someone with an office that you can use, you can start a trend and see if you can get others to join you.   Have fun and be active.  It's good for your health on every level!

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