Saturday, November 16, 2013

Have You Had Your Blueberries Today?

Most people think eating healthy is complicated and takes too much time.  It is true that processed junk food is often more readily available and doesn't require any preparation  But it really isn't that difficult to add healthy food into your daily routine and start eliminating some of the foods that are not good for you and that eventually lead to illness.

Let's start with blueberries.

Did you know that blueberries...
  • are low in fat (1 cup of blueberries has about 80 calories and basically no fat) (I don't actually recommend a low fat diet. We need healthy fats in our diet for optimal health but I'll discuss that another day.)  
  • banish belly fat
  • prevent cancer by attacking free radicals, causing cancer cell death, and blocking the growth of tumor cells
  • strengthen your immune system
  • soften skin with their antioxidants
  • are high in fiber which is crucial for healthy digestion
  • lower the risk of age related macular degeneration which is the leading cause of vision loss in older people
  • decrease the chances of heart attack in women
  • reverse age-related memory loss due to their flavonoids
  • prevent and heal urinary tract infections (UTIs) because they contain compounds that prevent bacteria from sticking to bladder walls
  • lower blood sugar in people with type 2 diabetes

You can easily add blueberries to your diet by having them plain or adding the to cereal or smoothies.  I would highly recommend organic.  I have read that if you are not eating organic, the wild blueberries may be a better choice.  I also firmly belief that if it comes down to eating non-organic blueberries (or any fruit or vegetable) or not eating them, the benefits of eating them are worth eating them versus not.  

There are probably even additional benefits but you can see that this is a super healthy food which is very easy to add to your diet. 

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