Friday, December 6, 2013

Running to combat Childhood Obesity (and adult obesity by running!)

So today I put in a little over 4 miles on Saucony's Run4Good app for "Team Dylan."  When he first picked 5,000 miles as the target goal, I thought that was very doable. We haven't seen as many miles logged as I would hope in order to reach that goal but I'm hoping people will spread the word and help out.  I may need to go out and do another 4 miles tonight.  This will force me to train for that marathon :)  If you know of anyone who wants to help us out, that would be wonderful.

Do you have any specific running goals? Other fitness goals?  Do you have someone holding you accountable to them?  Feel free to comment here and I'm happy to act as an accountability partner.  We can reach all of our goals!!  Don't forget it and don't give up!

It's also lots of fun to run with other people and that also keeps you accountable.  Are you part of a running/walking club?  There are so many free clubs and I highly recommend being in one.  I just started a local chapter of Moms RUN This Town - Metrowest, MA so that I will have the support I need and I will gladly help others to achieve their fitness goals, too.

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