Monday, December 16, 2013

Shoveling snow is definitely exercise

I already mentioned that I really need to work on patience and accepting and loving what is!  Love that wisdom from Byron Katie!  So yesterday I really wanted to get running but after a shoveling heavy, wet snow for over an hour with dropping temperatures... I didn't.  And I'm okay with that :)  I did start using MyFitnessPal app, too.  I think seeing everything in one place will be helpful but since I've just started, I'll have to let you know.

If you have other suggestions on good apps for this, I'm up for suggestions.  I like to see as many as possible to see what works for me and what doesn't.

I'm going to create a workout plan and post it here.  Having a plan will definitely go a long way!!  Since I'm planning to run a marathon in 2015, I want to put in lots of miles but that doesn't mean in terms of training I need to do long runs every time I run.  In fact, if you look at any training plan, that's not what it consists of and since I'm giving myself a year - I think I can cut myself a little slack!

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