Friday, May 2, 2014

Be Happy - That's What Life is All About

I absolutely love this John Lennon quote.  It is so true.  Today, as you go through your day, remember that life is meant to be enjoyed.  Are you enjoying your life?  Are you making choices that make you feel happy?  What can you do differently today to feel good, really good?

I know I am often guilty of looking and planning and getting to my next "achievement" that I forget to enjoy the process.

The perfect example is that I'm doing my first half marathon on Sunday.  Some wise and wonderful friends reminded me to just enjoy the run.  Look around and enjoy the beautiful scenery.  I'll get the finish line but it's more important that I enjoy the process than that I worry about getting it done.  My training has very much focused on getting to x miles during the run.  That's not fun!  If I keep that up, I definitely will not keep up running because it needs to be enjoyable.  In this case, it's especially true for me since I'm not trying to win.  I'm not even trying to be in the top half of of the people who complete it!!  My goal is to complete it so why not slow down and enjoy the process.

When we live life only focusing on the end result, we miss years of fun and enjoyment and happiness!!  That's not the way it needs to be.  It's not the way I want to live my life anymore!!  How about you?  What are you going to do?  You can still set high achievement goals and reach them but please remember to enjoy the process.  Enjoy life.  That's what it's all about!!

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