Thursday, May 15, 2014

Hugs for Health

Are you feeling down?  Did you get your hugs today?

For a long time, I didn't initiate hugging people because I didn't know how they would respond but then I just started.  I'd hug people when I'd see them in the office.  I'll admit some people found it weird but more people looked forward to my daily hugs and even started hugging other people, too.  It completely changes the mood of the office.  Try it.

I also will hug other parents at my kids sporting events.  Again, at first they don't know what to make of it but soon, they look forward to it and even seek me out to give me a hug.

Try it and let me know what your experience is with it.  I think you'll find that you are happier and the people around you are, too.  And magic begins when we are all feeling happy and loving!!

Don't forget to report back.

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