Monday, May 19, 2014

Today is a new day

It's easy to get caught up in the same ol', same ol' every day BUT each day is a brand new beginning.  It's a chance to start all over and pursue all your dreams!  It's a chance to choose happiness.  It's a chance to look for the good in your life.  It's a chance to begin a gratitude journal and focus on all the things you have now, are experiencing now, or have ever had that made you happy.  Life is made up of all our experiences and we are programmed to look at the one's that aren't working to try to fix them.  However, the reality is that if we focus on what isn't working, we get more of the same.  If we focus on what is working, we get more things that are working as well as fresh ideas and ways to fix what isn't!!

Today is a new day!!  Make the most of it.  Treat people with love and kindness and you'll see it come right back at you!!  Practice compassion and know that if you see someone being less than nice, it's only because they are hurting inside.  Silently send them love and you will actually make a difference even if you don't see it.  Remember that all people have feelings and emotions and just want love and kindness in their lives.  We are all same at the core even though our experiences have us act and think differently.  But deep down, we are the same.

Today is a new day!!  Be kind to yourself.  Watch your internal dialogue and turn it around whenever it is not loving and supportive!! Remember to laugh and allow joy to flow freely in your thoughts and your life.

Today is a new day!  It's time to realize that we can achieve all our goals and they actually manifest more quickly when we also remember to be of service to others.  Helping someone who needs it benefits us as much as it benefits them.

Today is a new day!!  It's time to allow our dreams to come true!!


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