Friday, May 16, 2014


I haven't been posting much about my running but I've been running/jogging/walking regularly.  I completed my first half marathon on May 4th!  It was fun.  I definitely felt like I should have done more training and running longer distances but I felt great after it!

If you think you want to do that - I highly recommend it because it is truly a wonderful accomplishment.  Don't focus on your time, just focus on finishing the first one.  I read so many books and articles that talked about your first half marathon (or marathon) should be one with no time limits.  I panicked when I realized mine had one and if I didn't complete it within that time there was no record of my completing it!! Yikes!!  I wanted my medal :)  Luckily, I did fine and completed it on time but I highly recommend not putting that pressure on yourself.  If you run it fast, it doesn't matter but if you end up slowing down, you don't want to stress about the time limit.

The best advice I received from other runners is to make sure you enjoy the journey!!  I had a beautiful course to run and without that advice I can see myself not even noticing it.  That advice obviously can be applied to all areas of our life.  We don't want to be so focused on the end result that we don't enjoy life.

Have fun!!  Enjoy!!

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