So how did everyone do this month? Did anyone (besides me) attempt to complete the January challenge? Here it is and my results.
Every day in January I'm planning to do the following:
1. Meditate2. Run or Walk (3 miles minimum each day)3. Nature - get out in nature and enjoy the world around me4. Mirror Exercise - before going to bed every night I will look at myself in the mirror and compliment myself on my achievements for the day (big or small) and tell myself "I Love You!" ***5. Goals - review them morning and night6. Inspiration - read inspiring books at least 5 minutes7.Sit-Ups - Do at least 308. Push-Ups - Do at least 159. Fruits/Veggies - each at least 5 servings
Okay - I believe I did mediate every day. Some days were definitely longer than others and I may have missed some because I wasn't tracking it but. I think I got that one.
I completed 61.9 miles for the month. Which I think of as a success and as moving me toward my annual goal of 700 miles but I didn't do it every day and not always 3 miles.
Read inspiring books every day!!
Ate at least 5 servings of fruits and veggies most if not all days!
I've got to work on the rest of these. I'll come up with a challenge for February and add the ones I think are most important back onto the list.
I'd love to get your feedback, too!
Devoted to living a life of joy, love, spirituality, good health, and happiness. Empowering each of us to live a life we love.
Friday, January 31, 2014
Thursday, January 30, 2014
Patience - yep, again!
I know I talk about the importance of patience a lot but it's what I need to work on and I know I'm not alone. So often we get discouraged if things don't go exactly the way we want when we want. Let's put a stop to that today :)
If you have a goal, it may take time to achieve that. As you may know, I have recently taken up running. Okay, some people would call what I do wogging. A combination of walking and jogging but I will get better every time I get out there as long as I'm consistent and keep at it. It's easy to get discouraged and say, I can't do a marathon that will take me forever and I don't have the patience to walk it - and perhaps not the muscle strength (however, walking is a lot easier than running!) I am basing that on my present physical condition. But guess what, I can change that IF I have patience!!
The same goes for any goal - weight loss is a great example, too. Often people look at a 1 pound weight loss as nothing when they have 80 more pounds to lose but the fact is, it's a step in the right direction and with every step - no matter how small - you are getting closer to your goals!!
So my goals for today are to really ask myself what I can do for me today to bring me joy and get me closer to my goals and then listen! Often we ask the question but when we don't have an immediate answer, we stop listening!
Take time today to be patient with yourself and take note of any progress you have made toward your goals. It doesn't matter how small. Write it down and celebrate yourself. Take another action step in the right direction and applaud your courage and determination.
Enjoy your day. Be patient and trust that all is well and you can do anything!!
If you have a goal, it may take time to achieve that. As you may know, I have recently taken up running. Okay, some people would call what I do wogging. A combination of walking and jogging but I will get better every time I get out there as long as I'm consistent and keep at it. It's easy to get discouraged and say, I can't do a marathon that will take me forever and I don't have the patience to walk it - and perhaps not the muscle strength (however, walking is a lot easier than running!) I am basing that on my present physical condition. But guess what, I can change that IF I have patience!!
The same goes for any goal - weight loss is a great example, too. Often people look at a 1 pound weight loss as nothing when they have 80 more pounds to lose but the fact is, it's a step in the right direction and with every step - no matter how small - you are getting closer to your goals!!
So my goals for today are to really ask myself what I can do for me today to bring me joy and get me closer to my goals and then listen! Often we ask the question but when we don't have an immediate answer, we stop listening!
Take time today to be patient with yourself and take note of any progress you have made toward your goals. It doesn't matter how small. Write it down and celebrate yourself. Take another action step in the right direction and applaud your courage and determination.
Enjoy your day. Be patient and trust that all is well and you can do anything!!
being present,
celebrate yourself,
personal development,
Saturday, January 25, 2014
"There can be no happiness where there is fear, apprehension, or dread." ~ Florence Scovel Shinn
It seems like an obvious statement but how can we expect to be happy when we are afraid of the future or afraid to go after what we really want? Where does all this fear come from? It comes from past conditioning but the past has no power over us unless we give it power. The only power we have is in the present moment. We can't change the past, the future hasn't arrived yet, so the only time we have is right now!! Let's drop the fear, apprehension, and dread and allow faith and happiness to take over. We'll feel so much better and we'll actually take more focused action on our goals when we are in that state of happiness.
Join me today and allow happiness to take over :) It is a choice and it is an inside job which means our happiness in independent of our circumstances and those around us. We can choose happiness now. Who's with me??
It seems like an obvious statement but how can we expect to be happy when we are afraid of the future or afraid to go after what we really want? Where does all this fear come from? It comes from past conditioning but the past has no power over us unless we give it power. The only power we have is in the present moment. We can't change the past, the future hasn't arrived yet, so the only time we have is right now!! Let's drop the fear, apprehension, and dread and allow faith and happiness to take over. We'll feel so much better and we'll actually take more focused action on our goals when we are in that state of happiness.
Join me today and allow happiness to take over :) It is a choice and it is an inside job which means our happiness in independent of our circumstances and those around us. We can choose happiness now. Who's with me??
Friday, January 24, 2014
Follow Your Dreams
Are you living a life you love?
Are you passionately pursuing your dreams?
Have you given up on your dreams?
If your life isn't everything you want it to be, now is the time to turn it around!!
Don't wait another minute. Write down your dreams - visualize them as if they have already come true and start taking steps in that direction!! You deserve to have a life that makes your heart sing!! You deserve to be happy!! Follow your dreams and know that you can do anything you put your mind to. You don't have to know how it will happen. You just have to be open to the possibility of it and it will begin to fall into place. Make sure you are clear about what you want and expect it. You will find the right steps to take. You will reach your goal and the sooner start, the sooner you'll get there!!
Please let me know what your dream is and what steps you will take today to move in that direction!!
Don't wait another minute. Write down your dreams - visualize them as if they have already come true and start taking steps in that direction!! You deserve to have a life that makes your heart sing!! You deserve to be happy!! Follow your dreams and know that you can do anything you put your mind to. You don't have to know how it will happen. You just have to be open to the possibility of it and it will begin to fall into place. Make sure you are clear about what you want and expect it. You will find the right steps to take. You will reach your goal and the sooner start, the sooner you'll get there!!
Please let me know what your dream is and what steps you will take today to move in that direction!!
Thursday, January 23, 2014
"When we expand our thinking and beliefs, our love flows freely. When we contract, we shut ourselves off." ~ Louise Hay
One thing that I have found on my journey of self-improvement is that sometimes I have limiting beliefs that I'm not even aware of. In fact, they are so well buried that if you asked me if I believed that I would give an emphatic, "NO!!" It's really interesting when we allow ourselves to delve deep into our inner workings. The things that come up as astounding. I saw this quote in Louise's book, The Power is Within You, and it reminded me how important it is to be open. Open to the possibility that that we are holding ourselves back through undiscovered, buried beliefs. Open to the possibility that we can really have everything we want. Open to the possibility that what we want may come to us in a way that is different that what we are expecting. For example, if I want a certain type of _________ (fill in the blank), I may get something different that actually has all the qualities of that certain something or someone but isn't what I thought it would be. We have to be open to doing more inner work and loving ourselves no matter what comes up. We have to be open to allowing all the good and abundance we desire into our lives. It is all ours for the asking if we are open to it and willing to change our limiting beliefs and behaviors when prompted.
Also in the book, Louise gives some affirmations that she uses. I'm going to list them here and start using them myself starting today. Remember to be patient - when you plant a seed, it take time to grow. If you nurture it, it will grow but won't be full grown in 5 minutes. The same is generally true of affirmations - they may not completely manifest in the next 5 minutes but with love and nurturing - they will manifest. And so it is!!
Affirmations from The Power is Within You by Louise Hay.
One thing that I have found on my journey of self-improvement is that sometimes I have limiting beliefs that I'm not even aware of. In fact, they are so well buried that if you asked me if I believed that I would give an emphatic, "NO!!" It's really interesting when we allow ourselves to delve deep into our inner workings. The things that come up as astounding. I saw this quote in Louise's book, The Power is Within You, and it reminded me how important it is to be open. Open to the possibility that that we are holding ourselves back through undiscovered, buried beliefs. Open to the possibility that we can really have everything we want. Open to the possibility that what we want may come to us in a way that is different that what we are expecting. For example, if I want a certain type of _________ (fill in the blank), I may get something different that actually has all the qualities of that certain something or someone but isn't what I thought it would be. We have to be open to doing more inner work and loving ourselves no matter what comes up. We have to be open to allowing all the good and abundance we desire into our lives. It is all ours for the asking if we are open to it and willing to change our limiting beliefs and behaviors when prompted.
Also in the book, Louise gives some affirmations that she uses. I'm going to list them here and start using them myself starting today. Remember to be patient - when you plant a seed, it take time to grow. If you nurture it, it will grow but won't be full grown in 5 minutes. The same is generally true of affirmations - they may not completely manifest in the next 5 minutes but with love and nurturing - they will manifest. And so it is!!
Affirmations from The Power is Within You by Louise Hay.
- Everything I need to know is revealed to me.
- Everything I need comes to me in the perfect time-space sequence.
- Life is a joy and filled with love.
- I am loving and lovable and loved.
- I am healthy and filled with energy.
- I prosper wherever I turn.
- I am willing to change and to grow.
- All is well in my world.
May we all remember, that our thoughts create our reality. May we believe in ourselves every day. And may we love one another and ourselves and always strive to serve while we allow all good things to come to us.
Please feel free to share your reactions in your successes. Namaste.
Wednesday, January 22, 2014
You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream
You are also never too old to go after your dreams. Is there something that you really want? Is there something you thought you couldn't do? A dream that was squashed by naysayers when you were growing up? What's a step you can take today to move in the direction of your dreams?
Just take one small step and feel the power of positive movement!! Let me know how it goes!!
Monday, January 20, 2014
Choose Love Today!!
Choose Love Today!! Often people feel justified in their anger or revenge. The problem is that when we hold on to those negative feelings, we hurt ourselves as well as others. The act of forgiveness is paramount to good health and happiness. Forgiveness does not mean condoning bad behavior nor does it mean ignoring and allowing it but it means letting go of the anger and hatred that come with focusing on that rather than solutions. Martin Luther King was adamant about our responsibility to address injustice but he was also adamant about doing it with love and focusing on what we want and solutions rather than the problem and want we don't want.
Think about this today in all areas of your life. What are you holding onto that you need to let go of? Often times it is actually not forgiving ourselves. The reality is not forgiving keeps us stuck and to move forward and accomplish everything we dream of, we need to forgive ourselves and others for all perceived wrongs.
Friday, January 17, 2014
Make it fun

- Go for a walk with a friend or friends.
- Go for a walk by yourself in nature.
- Go swimming - join a Y or someplace with an indoor pool during the winter.
- Go for a hike.
- Go on an active vacation.
- Chase your kids around.
- Go to a laughter yoga class - all you do is laugh!! It doesn't get any better than that.
- Go skiing or skating.
- Play frisbee.
- Get some fun active games for the Wii or XBox Kinect. (I often laugh in addition to the movement!)
- Go for a walk with your dog.
I welcome your suggestions as well - but remember, it doesn't have to be work to be a workout. Make it fun so you'll want to do it every day or at least several days per week!!
And give yourself credit for all your movements - don't think it doesn't count because you enjoyed it!! It absolutely does count and that's really one of the points!! Life is meant to be enjoyed. Please share your experiences with me.
Tuesday, January 14, 2014
10 Easy Ideas for Relaxation
When was the last time you really relaxed? Is your mind constantly busy? Do you ever just take time to relax and do nothing? I don't mean do mindless activity like watch TV or sit on Facebook! Those are not mind quieting and often, believe it or not, add to stress. Not always and that depends on you but sometimes. Here are some ideas for relieving stress and opening yourself up to more creativity.
1. Meditate - just do it. Guided relaxation, quieting your mind, mindfulness, following your breath, mantra. If you don't know a lot about mediation, I'll do another blog on that. In the meantime - you can just go to YouTube. You'll find lots. You don't have to even do this for a long time. You can do a couple of minutes several times a day. It really works!!
2. Exercise - get moving but not too hard. If you are doing anaerobic exercise (where you can't carry on a conversation), you are actually adding to your stress level because it releases cortisol, the stress hormone.
3. Yoga. Yes, this is exercise but I give it a category of it's own when it comes to stress relief because it is so effective.
4. Laugh - laughing is amazing for your body. It helps reduce stress and heal on all levels.
5. Connect more. This is really best done in person and really connecting. Connecting on the computer really keeps us isolated since we are often alone there. Allow yourself to be with people and really be vulnerable and be a true friend. Release judgement and connect. Every one of us is alike in many ways. We all need love and we all have feelings and emotions.
6. Hug more. We all need physical contact to thrive. Hugging has so many benefits and it doesn't cost a thing! Shoot for 12 hugs minimum each day.
7. Forgive. Forgive others and yourself. You have to let go of anything that may have hurt you so that you can move on and that means forgiving others and yourself. Forgiving is not condoning and is instrumental to your health. If it seems like a stretch, start with the affirmation, "I am willing to begin to forgive."
8. Music - listen to music that makes you feel good.
9. Smile. Smiling alone (even if you don't feel like it) releases chemicals in the brain that combat the stress hormones. Often when a smile is returned, it makes us feel even better and further reduces our stress levels.
10. Take a relaxing bath. Not a shower but a bath. Allow the warm water to relax all your muscles. Maybe turn off the lights and light some candles. This goes perfectly with listening to relaxing music or a guided meditation. Add some lavender and Epsom salt to make it a detox bath. Enjoy.
If you do something special for yourself everyday, you'll notice the difference. Let me know how it goes!!
1. Meditate - just do it. Guided relaxation, quieting your mind, mindfulness, following your breath, mantra. If you don't know a lot about mediation, I'll do another blog on that. In the meantime - you can just go to YouTube. You'll find lots. You don't have to even do this for a long time. You can do a couple of minutes several times a day. It really works!!
2. Exercise - get moving but not too hard. If you are doing anaerobic exercise (where you can't carry on a conversation), you are actually adding to your stress level because it releases cortisol, the stress hormone.
3. Yoga. Yes, this is exercise but I give it a category of it's own when it comes to stress relief because it is so effective.
4. Laugh - laughing is amazing for your body. It helps reduce stress and heal on all levels.
5. Connect more. This is really best done in person and really connecting. Connecting on the computer really keeps us isolated since we are often alone there. Allow yourself to be with people and really be vulnerable and be a true friend. Release judgement and connect. Every one of us is alike in many ways. We all need love and we all have feelings and emotions.
6. Hug more. We all need physical contact to thrive. Hugging has so many benefits and it doesn't cost a thing! Shoot for 12 hugs minimum each day.
7. Forgive. Forgive others and yourself. You have to let go of anything that may have hurt you so that you can move on and that means forgiving others and yourself. Forgiving is not condoning and is instrumental to your health. If it seems like a stretch, start with the affirmation, "I am willing to begin to forgive."
8. Music - listen to music that makes you feel good.
9. Smile. Smiling alone (even if you don't feel like it) releases chemicals in the brain that combat the stress hormones. Often when a smile is returned, it makes us feel even better and further reduces our stress levels.
10. Take a relaxing bath. Not a shower but a bath. Allow the warm water to relax all your muscles. Maybe turn off the lights and light some candles. This goes perfectly with listening to relaxing music or a guided meditation. Add some lavender and Epsom salt to make it a detox bath. Enjoy.
If you do something special for yourself everyday, you'll notice the difference. Let me know how it goes!!
being present,
easy health,
Monday, January 13, 2014
The Time Is Now
I did it!! I completed my first timed 10K today!! I did a 10K today in 1:28:39 :) I know to avid runners that may not be a super fast time but I am very excited. I completed it. I wouldn't get swept at Disney :) and that's really what is most important to me.
One of the things I think about is how important it is to be happy with our own progress and where we are right now. We can't start somewhere that we aren't :) I know I'm not alone in thinking that it would be so much easier to run if I weighed less and in the past that has prevented me from starting. How silly is that? how human is that? We all do it in certain circumstances. We compare ourselves to others and how well they do something but you know what - they didn't start there. And we have to start where we are. If I'm in Boston and want to go to LA, I can't start in Phoenix. I need to start where I am. The same goes for any of our goals. It doesn't matter where we are, we can get to our destination if we accept where we are and take action to get where we want to go.
If walking is all you can do - do it!! You don't need to be able to run. If you want to run, you'll get there. If you choose to keep walking, that's fine, too. There is no need to compare to others - we never come out exactly equal because no two people are exactly alike with all the same experiences and reactions. It's just the way it is!!
So if you don't have a regular exercise routine, will you get out there today and start moving? Remember to listen to your body and do what you can do. Tomorrow you'll be able to do a little more and the next day, even more than that.
Please let me know how it goes. Smile, be happy, and focus on all you have and have accomplished and more will come!! Patience :)
celebrate yourself,
getting active,
getting fit,
Moms Run This Town,
new balance,
Sunday, January 12, 2014
Become Unstoppable
Just a quick little reminder that we can do anything when we decide to do it!! Make up your mind about what you want in life and allow it. The steps you need to take to get there will become clear if you allow it. Then take action and enjoy the life of your dreams. Dream big since you can have it all!!
Friday, January 10, 2014
Dream Big
What would you do if you knew that you couldn't fail? What do you really dream of having, being, or doing? Not just what you think is doable or attainable but what do you really want - what is your big dream? Do you have a big dream?
Today, I want to suggest that we all create a vision of what our ideal life would look like. What do you really want and why? This is not something you need to share, especially in the beginning if it seems too big. But eventually you absolutely want to share your BIG dreams with someone and anyone who may be able to help you attain it and who will be supportive.
Don't let anyone tell you that your dream is not attainable because we can really do anything if we believe in ourselves, we take steps in the right direction, and we keep at it until we get there. It's important to listen to feedback along the way to make sure you are headed in the right direction and it's important to re-evaluate from time to time to make sure your goals and dreams haven't changed. By that I do NOT mean give up on them but sometimes our passions shift and what was once important to us is no longer very important. Spend your energy pursuing the big dreams that really make you happy and your life will be spend in joy!!
Today, I want to suggest that we all create a vision of what our ideal life would look like. What do you really want and why? This is not something you need to share, especially in the beginning if it seems too big. But eventually you absolutely want to share your BIG dreams with someone and anyone who may be able to help you attain it and who will be supportive.
Don't let anyone tell you that your dream is not attainable because we can really do anything if we believe in ourselves, we take steps in the right direction, and we keep at it until we get there. It's important to listen to feedback along the way to make sure you are headed in the right direction and it's important to re-evaluate from time to time to make sure your goals and dreams haven't changed. By that I do NOT mean give up on them but sometimes our passions shift and what was once important to us is no longer very important. Spend your energy pursuing the big dreams that really make you happy and your life will be spend in joy!!
Tuesday, January 7, 2014
Believe In Yourself
How often do we look for the answers to life's challenges outside of ourselves? I believe that is one of the reasons that I read so many self-help books - to find the answers I've been looking for. But the truth is all the answers we need are inside us. We have them, we just need to quiet our minds and listen. I remember the first time you could ask God, Source, the Universe for help or answers through prayers but to hear the answers you must meditate or quiet your mind. It makes so much sense.
What is all comes down to is believing in ourselves and our power. We all have it. The only difference is that some of us accept it and allow it and others of us don't believe enough in ourselves to even try to truly listen for the answers. I challenge each one of us to allow our power to shine through. Our power is our light and it is a good thing. People who use "power" to control or hurt others are not really using their power - that's a lack of self-esteem and true self-confidence. We don't need to be afraid of our power, we need to own it and allow it to flow freely through us every day. It will inevitably benefit us and everyone around us. Believe in yourself. I do. You can do anything you put your mind to. You are an amazing person who can have the life you dream of and you can make a positive difference in the world every day!!
Make today amazing!! Believe in yourself. Go share your light and your power with the world and see how things begin to change for the better every day!!
What is all comes down to is believing in ourselves and our power. We all have it. The only difference is that some of us accept it and allow it and others of us don't believe enough in ourselves to even try to truly listen for the answers. I challenge each one of us to allow our power to shine through. Our power is our light and it is a good thing. People who use "power" to control or hurt others are not really using their power - that's a lack of self-esteem and true self-confidence. We don't need to be afraid of our power, we need to own it and allow it to flow freely through us every day. It will inevitably benefit us and everyone around us. Believe in yourself. I do. You can do anything you put your mind to. You are an amazing person who can have the life you dream of and you can make a positive difference in the world every day!!
Make today amazing!! Believe in yourself. Go share your light and your power with the world and see how things begin to change for the better every day!!
celebrate yourself,
stress reduction,
Monday, January 6, 2014
A Journey of a Thousand Miles Begins With a Single Step
As a society we want everything right now. This goes back to what I was saying about patience and my working on that myself :) Sometimes things take time but if we let ourselves be impatient and give up, we stop moving in the right direction. If we are moving toward our goals, we are moving away from them. I am making a commitment to myself to take steps daily toward my goals - or at least toward some of them - to ensure I am not going in the wrong direction. Will you join me? Remember that "a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." ~ Lao Tzu
It doesn't have to be a big step but if you are moving in the direction of your dreams and your goals, you will get there as long as you keep moving!!
Remember to look at all steps you have taken and give yourself credit. Don't focus on how far you have to go, focus on how far you have come. Each step counts. Each step is important. Each step energizes you and snowballs your momentum!! Small steps become steps and then huge jumps until you didn't even realize that you are already there and you've done it!! You can do it!!! Don't give up and don't let chances pass you by. Take a step toward your goal today!! Join me and move toward your goals and dreams!! I'm with you on this journey!!
Wednesday, January 1, 2014
2014 Will Be Amazing
I hope the first day of 2014 has been spectacular!! I have printed my goals and my January challenge to make sure I keep at them and I'll report here to be accountable and hope you will, too.
Even though the temperature was in the low 20s and the wind was blowing, I made sure I went out for my walk/run in nature. You can't really tell but the pond was frozen solid but it was absolutely gorgeous out.
We weren't walking long before my 7 year old was ready to go home because it was so cold. My headband and gloves made him a little happier but left me a little more chilly : )
January Challenge
As the new year begins many people make resolutions for change. The problem is that resolutions are notorious for not being kept. I believe that is because we think of them the wrong way.
I gave up making resolutions but I do make goals both short and long term every year! One of the important aspects of goals is to known and articulate why you are making them. To say you want to lose weight is great but to say how much weight, by when, and why give it much more power. Why do you want to lose weight? Do you really want to or is it something you think you should do? Have you given any thought to why you want to? How will you feel if you do and how will you feel if you don't? Is there a difference? The deeper you can go into the reasons you want to do something, the better. If the reasons are really important to you and you keep those in mind you are more likely to actually follow through on what is need to achieve your goal.
I have created a challenge for myself. I believe in planning to make a change for 30 days. We can do anything for 30 days. If it feels good, we can continue it and if not - release it. It's done.
I invite you to join me in this challenge at whatever level feels good to you. I will report back at the end of the month to let you know how I did and I'd love to hear how you did, too!
Every day in January I'm planning to do the following:
1. Meditate
2. Run or Walk (3 miles minimum each day)
3. Nature - get out in nature and enjoy the world around me
4. Mirror Exercise - before going to bed every night I will look at myself in the mirror and compliment myself on my achievements for the day (big or small) and tell myself "I Love You!" ***
5. Goals - review them morning and night
6. Inspiration - read inspiring books at least 5 minutes
7.Sit-Ups - Do at least 30
8. Push-Ups - Do at least 15
9. Fruits/Veggies - each at least 5 servings
*** The mirror exercise sounds "weird" to people at first but people who have done it have had wonderful results. Often people may not even know that they have low self-esteem or harbor some inner anger or guilt that is actually holding them back. In doing the mirror exercise, we allow ourselves to have unconditional love from ourselves which is the most empowering gift we can give ourselves. We deserve it.
Please share your thoughts, comments, and results with me.
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