Sunday, February 9, 2014

Follow Your Bliss - Love Your Life

Many people find themselves dreading going to work and they are simply miserable.  Most heart attacks happen on Monday mornings!!

Many people have given up on being able to really follow their bliss and they settle for a "good job" and a "good life" that leaves them feeling empty and unfulfilled.  It doesn't have to be that way and in fact, it's the opposite of how it's supposed to be.  Life is meant to be enjoyed.  We are supposed to LOVE life!!  We are supposed to be happy!

We get so caught up in our limiting beliefs that we actually believe we don't have a choice.  We may think, "There is no way to make a living doing what we love."  That's simply not true.  I firmly believe that we can make a living doing what we love and have seen it over and over again.

If you are not waking up every morning excited to start the day, we can change that and I challenge you to take the first step towards living a life of passion and purpose.  The first step is to be abundantly clear about exactly what you want.  Don't worry about the how, simply write down what your ideal day would be like.  Think about what really makes you happy.  Decide what steps you can take today to move in the direction of your dreams.  Write them down.  Write down as many steps as you can think of and start checking them off one by one.  You can live a life you love!!

As always, let me know what you come up with and what action steps you are going to take today.

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