Saturday, February 15, 2014

Spread Love

"Spread love wherever you go. Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier." ~ Mother Teresa

I found one of the best ways to have people feel happier after interacting with me is by letting them know how important they are. The way I like to do that is to ask them questions about them.  Give them the opportunity to talk about what is important to them and really listen.  Don't listen with the intention of commenting or responding but listen with the intention of letting them know they are heard.

We are all important and we are all so busy that sometimes we don't spend the time truly connecting to people and seeing what is going on in their life.  Sometimes we leave interactions feeling "unimportant." Genuine interest and concern and listening, along with a glowing smile, will do so much good for the person receiving those gifts.  (The giver benefits, too, since it is in giving that we receive.)

Today, take an extra few minutes to really listen to the people in your life.  Listen closely to your kids, your partner, your neighbor, and the clerk at the store.  We are all people.  We all have ups and downs.  We all have emotions and hopes and dreams.  We are all connected. Feel that connection and let others know you feel it and they will always walk away happier having connected with another human being.

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