Thursday, February 20, 2014

Pursue Your Dreams and Find Your Passion

It's funny all the stories we tell ourselves to keep us "safe" and not following our dreams!  The truth is "safe" and "secure" are illusions that keep us in the known which is not always what we want.

If you are not living a life that you absolutely love - what's holding you back?  Are you afraid of suffering if you pursue your dreams? What's can happen? What are you telling yourself?

Today I want you to write down exactly what your ideal life would look like. Where would you live? Be specific. Would you live in a house or an apartment? What city or state would you like to live in? What is your home look like? How do you spend your days? What do you love to do? How do you serve others? How do you make money?

I want you to dream big! This is an about what you think is possible this is about what do you want, what is your dream?

Let me know how it goes.

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