Tuesday, February 4, 2014


To continue our February focus on love and heart health, I need to talk about kindness which is way too often underestimated.

A simple smile at or kind word to a stranger may brighten their day.  It may help them to remember they are connected to others.  It could save their life.  I have heard several stories about people who were planning their suicide but a random act of kindness, sometimes from a complete stranger, changed their outlook on life.  That not only affects that person but everyone in their life that their suicide would have impacted.

Every interaction we have has a ripple effect and we need to be aware of that so we can have a positive effect.  When you are going through the line at the grocery or department store (or anywhere), smile and make eye contact with the cashier.  Ask them how their day is going?  Make small talk - ask them about their life and watch the change on their face.  Notice the change in their energy.  You have just made their day with a simple act of kindness.  They will in turn treat the next person in line differently and the ripple begins.

Just a quick note about "bullies".  People who are feeling love do not hurt other people.  If someone is playing the role of bully it is because they are hurting and need to feel loved.  Your smile or kind words may have a bigger effect that you know.  It's easy to get mad (rippling in the wrong direction) but feeling love and compassion for them will make a much bigger difference.

It is really easy to show interest and caring for another person and it doesn't cost any money but you will both benefit more than you can imagine.

I challenge you to do at least one random act of kindness after you read this.  You'll be glad you did.  Report back and let me know what you did and how you feel.