Monday, January 6, 2014

A Journey of a Thousand Miles Begins With a Single Step

As a society we want everything right now.  This goes back to what I was saying about patience and my working on that myself :) Sometimes things take time but if we let ourselves be impatient and give up, we stop moving in the right direction.  If we are moving toward our goals, we are moving away from them.  I am making a commitment to myself to take steps daily toward my goals - or at least toward some of them - to ensure I am not going in the wrong direction.   Will you join me?  Remember that "a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." ~ Lao Tzu

It doesn't have to be a big step but if you are moving in the direction of your dreams and your goals, you will get there as long as you keep moving!! 

Remember to look at all steps you have taken and give yourself credit.  Don't focus on how far you have to go, focus on how far you have come.  Each step counts.  Each step is important.  Each step energizes you and snowballs your momentum!!  Small steps become steps and then huge jumps until you didn't even realize that you are already there and you've done it!!  You can do it!!!  Don't give up and don't let chances pass you by.  Take a step toward your goal today!!   Join me and move toward your goals and dreams!!  I'm with you on this journey!!

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