Thursday, January 23, 2014


"When we expand our thinking and beliefs, our love flows freely.  When we contract, we shut ourselves off." ~ Louise Hay

One thing that I have found on my journey of self-improvement is that sometimes I have limiting beliefs that I'm not even aware of.  In fact, they are so well buried that if you asked me if I believed that I would give an emphatic, "NO!!"  It's really interesting when we allow ourselves to delve deep into our inner workings.  The things that come up as astounding.  I saw this quote in Louise's book, The Power is Within You, and it reminded me how important it is to be open.  Open to the possibility that that we are holding ourselves back through undiscovered, buried beliefs.  Open to the possibility that we can really have everything we want.  Open to the possibility that what we want may come to us in a way that is different that what we are expecting.  For example, if I want a certain type of _________ (fill in the blank), I may get something different that actually has all the qualities of that certain something or someone but isn't what I thought it would be.  We have to be open to doing more inner work and loving ourselves no matter what comes up.  We have to be open to allowing all the good and abundance we desire into our lives.  It is all ours for the asking if we are open to it and willing to change our limiting beliefs and behaviors when prompted.

Also in the book, Louise gives some affirmations that she uses.  I'm going to list them here and start using them myself starting today.  Remember to be patient - when you plant a seed, it take time to grow.  If you nurture it, it will grow but won't be full grown in 5 minutes.  The same is generally true of affirmations - they may not completely manifest in the next 5 minutes but with love and nurturing - they will manifest.  And so it is!!

Affirmations from  The Power is Within You by Louise Hay.

  • Everything I need to know is revealed to me.
  • Everything I need comes to me in the perfect time-space sequence.
  • Life is a joy and filled with love.
  • I am loving and lovable and loved.
  • I am healthy and filled with energy.
  • I prosper wherever I turn.
  • I am willing to change and to grow.
  • All is well in my world.
May we all remember, that our thoughts create our reality. May we believe in ourselves every day. And may we love one another and ourselves and always strive to serve while we allow all good things to come to us.

Please feel free to share your reactions in your successes. Namaste.

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