Friday, January 31, 2014

January recap

So how did everyone do this month?  Did anyone (besides me) attempt to complete the January challenge?  Here it is and my results.

Every day in January I'm planning to do the following:

1. Meditate2. Run or Walk (3 miles minimum each day)3. Nature - get out in nature and enjoy the world around me4. Mirror Exercise - before going to bed every night I will look at myself in the mirror and compliment myself on my achievements for the day (big or small) and tell myself "I Love You!" ***5. Goals - review them morning and night6. Inspiration - read inspiring books at least 5 minutes7.Sit-Ups - Do at least 308. Push-Ups - Do at least 159. Fruits/Veggies - each at least 5 servings

Okay - I believe I did mediate every day.  Some days were definitely longer than others and I may have missed some because I wasn't tracking it but.  I think I got that one.

I completed 61.9 miles for the month.  Which I think of as a success and as moving me toward my annual goal of 700 miles but I didn't do it every day and not always 3 miles.

Read inspiring books every day!!  

Ate at least 5 servings of fruits and veggies most if not all days!

I've got to work on the rest of these.  I'll come up with a challenge for February and add the ones I think are most important back onto the list.  

I'd love to get your feedback, too!  

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