Saturday, January 25, 2014


"There can be no happiness where there is fear, apprehension, or dread." ~ Florence Scovel Shinn

It seems like an obvious statement but how can we expect to be happy when we are afraid of the future or afraid to go after what we really want?  Where does all this fear come from?  It comes from past conditioning but the past has no power over us unless we give it power.  The only power we have is in the present moment.  We can't change the past, the future hasn't arrived yet, so the only time we have is right now!!  Let's drop the fear, apprehension, and dread and allow faith and happiness to take over.  We'll feel so much better and we'll actually take more focused action on our goals when we are in that state of happiness.

Join me today and allow happiness to take over :)  It is a choice and it is an inside job which means our happiness in independent of our circumstances and those around us.  We can choose happiness now.  Who's with me??

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