Monday, January 20, 2014

Choose Love Today!!

Choose Love Today!!  Often people feel justified in their anger or revenge.  The problem is that when we hold on to those negative feelings, we hurt ourselves as well as others.  The act of forgiveness is paramount to good health and happiness.  Forgiveness does not mean condoning bad behavior nor does it mean ignoring and allowing it but it means letting go of the anger and hatred that come with focusing on that rather than solutions.  Martin Luther King was adamant about our responsibility to address injustice but he was also adamant about doing it with love and focusing on what we want and solutions rather than the problem and want we don't want.

Think about this today in all areas of your life.  What are you holding onto that you need to let go of?  Often times it is actually not forgiving ourselves.  The reality is not forgiving keeps us stuck and to move forward and accomplish everything we dream of, we need to forgive ourselves and others for all perceived wrongs.

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