Friday, January 10, 2014

Dream Big

What would you do if you knew that you couldn't fail?  What do you really dream of having, being, or doing?  Not just what you think is doable or attainable but what do you really want - what is your big dream?  Do you have a big dream?

Today, I want to suggest that we all create a vision of what our ideal life would look like.  What do you really want and why?  This is not something you need to share, especially in the beginning if it seems too big.  But eventually you absolutely want to share your BIG dreams with someone and anyone who may be able to help you attain it and who will be supportive.

Don't let anyone tell you that your dream is not attainable because we can really do anything if we believe in ourselves, we take steps in the right direction, and we keep at it until we get there.  It's important to listen to feedback along the way to make sure you are headed in the right direction and it's important to re-evaluate from time to time to make sure your goals and dreams haven't changed.  By that I do NOT mean give up on them but sometimes our passions shift and what was once important to us is no longer very important.  Spend your energy pursuing the big dreams that really make you happy and your life will be spend in joy!!

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