Monday, January 13, 2014

The Time Is Now

I did it!!  I completed my first timed 10K today!!  I did a 10K today in 1:28:39 :)  I know to avid runners that may not be a super fast time but I am very excited.  I completed it. I wouldn't get swept at Disney :)  and that's really what is most important to me. 
One of the things I think about is how important it is to be happy with our own progress and where we are right now.  We can't start somewhere that we aren't :)  I know I'm not alone in thinking that it would be so much easier to run if I weighed less and in the past that has prevented me from starting.  How silly is that?  how human is that?  We all do it in certain circumstances.  We compare ourselves to others and how well they do something but you know what - they didn't start there.  And we have to start where we are.  If I'm in Boston and want to go to LA, I can't start in Phoenix.  I need to start where I am.  The same goes for any of our goals.  It doesn't matter where we are, we can get to our destination if we accept where we are and take action to get where we want to go.  

If walking is all you can do - do it!!  You don't need to be able to run. If you want to run, you'll get there.  If you choose to keep walking, that's fine, too.  There is no need to compare to others - we never come out exactly equal because no two people are exactly alike with all the same experiences and reactions.  It's just the way it is!!

So if you don't have a regular exercise routine, will you get out there today and start moving? Remember to listen to your body and do what you can do.  Tomorrow you'll be able to do a little more and the next day, even more than that.  

Please let me know how it goes.  Smile, be happy, and focus on all you have and have accomplished and more will come!!  Patience :)

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