Wednesday, January 1, 2014

January Challenge

Happy New Year!!

As the new year begins many people make resolutions for change.  The problem is that resolutions are notorious for not being kept.  I believe that is because we think of them the wrong way.

I gave up making resolutions but I do make goals both short and long term every year!  One of the important aspects of goals is to known and articulate why you are making them.  To say you want to lose weight is great but to say how much weight, by when, and why give it much more power.  Why do you want to lose weight?  Do you really want to or is it something you think you should do?  Have you given any thought to why you want to?  How will you feel if you do and how will you feel if you don't?  Is there a difference?  The deeper you can go into the reasons you want to do something, the better.  If the reasons are really important to you and you keep those in mind you are more likely to actually follow through on what is need to achieve your goal.

I have created a challenge for myself.  I believe in planning to make a change for 30 days.  We can do anything for 30 days.  If it feels good, we can continue it and if not - release it.  It's done.

I invite you to join me in this challenge at whatever level feels good to you. I will report back at the end of the month to let you know how I did and I'd love to hear how you did, too!

Every day in January I'm planning to do the following:

1. Meditate
2. Run or Walk (3 miles minimum each day)
3. Nature - get out in nature and enjoy the world around me
4. Mirror Exercise - before going to bed every night I will look at myself in the mirror and compliment myself on my achievements for the day (big or small) and tell myself "I Love You!" ***
5. Goals - review them morning and night
6. Inspiration - read inspiring books at least 5 minutes
7.Sit-Ups - Do at least 30
8. Push-Ups - Do at least 15
9. Fruits/Veggies - each at least 5 servings

*** The mirror exercise sounds "weird" to people at first but people who have done it have had wonderful results.  Often people may not even know that they have low self-esteem or harbor some inner anger or guilt that is actually holding them back.  In doing the mirror exercise, we allow ourselves to have unconditional love from ourselves which is the most empowering gift we can give ourselves. We deserve it.

Please share your thoughts, comments, and results with me.

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